lundi 27 février 2006

Sunny morning...

Ce matin, une impression étrange, encore un peu endormie ... de la lumière qui doucement éclaire la chambre à travers les rideaux orangés.
Une petite voix qui murmure, "un matin ensoleillé. J'avais oublié que cela pouvait exister".
S'étirer, lentement, dans le lit. Et pour une fois depuis longtemps, se réveiller doucement, emmitouflée dans les draps, dans le silence du petit matin, protégée du froid hivernal. Emerveillée par cette luminosité qui avait deserté la chambre depuis de nombreux jours.
Instant suspendu, un sourire, le temps qui s'étend.

I'm sorry, but I am so busy with a never ending essay. I am too tired to write in English:)
So here is the translation given by Google... ;)

"This morning, a strange impression, still asleep... The sun which gently lights the room through the orange curtains. A small voice which murmurs, "a sunny morning. I had forgotten that it could exist ". To stretch, slowly, in the bed. And for once for a long time, to awake gently, muffled up underneath the blankets, in the silence of the early morning, protected from the winter cold. Filled with wonder by the luminosity which had deserted the room for many days. Suspended moment, a smile, time which extends."

-picture taken in Liverpool, by Edge Lane, the evening before Chinese New year.

jeudi 9 février 2006

De Liverpool à Lutèce (et des pancakes pour la route)

Sunday February 5, 2006 was the day when I first tasted the pancakes of my housemate Dave a few hours before leaving to Paris (after having spent a semester in Liverpool)... Uhmmm... Which means : I spent a WHOLE semester in Liverpool sharing a house with one of the greatest and funniest couple I've ever met. Being housemates made me quickly realize that the lovely Jean knew how to cook delicious chinese food, but it also seemed to reveal that Dave was as talented as I was in cooking as we both would regularly set the fire alarm off when we would try to cook a simple dish...

But I had to discover a few hours before leaving for Paris that Dave Caveman actually knows how to make GREAT, "bloody" delicious pancakes.

Made leaving Liverpool even harder :)

Jean, Dave, Natalia, Adhara, Elena, Nathalie, Nina, Khany, Aline, Liam, Michelle... I hope to see you all very soon, and thank you so much for having been so friendly and nice... Meeting you and getting to spend some time with you made my stay in Liverpool really really nice. I will definitely try my best to come and spend a few days this semester...
I miss you, and
Merci beaucoup :) !

Ice Skating

Friesland, December 2022