And now I am back in reality, with a 10 page essay to hand in next week, and exams for the whole month of January... But I don't care, I had a perfect holiday :)
Christmas in Manila was crazy. The whole city is even busier than it usually is. Traffic everywhere, people are shopping, singing, smiling... Days before Christmas, you spend your time wrapping gifts and dropping them at your friends and family's homes. Then you spend Christmas with your close family (hmm, lets say around thirty people for lunch and thirty people for dinner...).
For the whole New Year's eve you just can't hear each other because of all the firecrackers. We had some in our garden and it was really impressive. Even the really nice (and dangerous) ones with so many colours...
I don't have any picture because I forgot most of them in Manila, but here is a picture of this really nice place called Pansol (an hour and a half from Manila) which has natural hot springs (it's near a volcano). So this swimming pool actually has natural hot water, and you can take a plastic chair and just sit under the (hot) waterfall and relax !! :)

Merry Xmas and Happpy New Year to all of you, and see u soon British - Chinese people !!!
Et bonne année aux franco-suisses dont la communauté va s'aggrandir avec l' heureuse arrivée du bon Johnny (ah que peut on faire contre la fuite des cerveaux...) ;)
6 commentaires:
the pics look lovely. i'm glad you had a wonderful time. happy new year from me and jean and all the best for your exams.
grrrrrrr am so jealous right now
Wow, the place is so nice. Glad you had a perfect holiday. will see you in two weeks time! :)
Et nous, nous bossons dans le froid suisse....
tu reviens quaaaaand ?
Hi, little french girl! Are you busy with studying? Just passing by and say hi! Hope you have a good day.
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