December emotional rollercoaster...
Flying home to loved ones, family and friends.
It's coming on Christmas. They're cutting down trees. They're putting up reindeer and singing songs of joy and peace...
jeudi 17 décembre 2009
lundi 14 décembre 2009
lundi 7 décembre 2009
vendredi 4 décembre 2009
jeudi 3 décembre 2009
mercredi 2 décembre 2009
mardi 1 décembre 2009
lundi 23 novembre 2009
Collectively in love in Dalat
Last August, a decree was passed banning a popular website we shall name X. It took nearly three months to be fully enforced, but now, no doubt about it... I wonder how long blogs will still be available. As I have been having some problems connecting lately to this site, I would say not too long.
dimanche 22 novembre 2009
samedi 21 novembre 2009
In Love in Dalat
Back to civilisation. After having spent a week for work in the middle of nowhere, back in Saigon. Great experience though and in a way, beautiful place! Sometimes, you meet amazing people in places you would have never gone to, if not for work.
vendredi 13 novembre 2009
Tag Tieng Viet
If I remember right, it means something like: careful/slowdown, children nearby.
Other than that, I have been told that some phone numbers are "pretty" and others ugly. Some business men/women even "buy" a pretty phone number. If I remember right, 8 and 9 are pretty numbers, 1 is ugly.
Other than that, I have been told that some phone numbers are "pretty" and others ugly. Some business men/women even "buy" a pretty phone number. If I remember right, 8 and 9 are pretty numbers, 1 is ugly.
jeudi 12 novembre 2009
Au pas
Quite exciting, will probably be going for work in an industrial zone in the center of Vietnam for several days next week! This will be very different from working in the office in the city center of HCMC. But the countdown until Christmas break in France is getting even tighter... Time keeps on flying.
In the meantime, our Prime Minister is drinking champagne in Hanoiand is expected to do the same tomorrow evening in HCMC.
Grande grande effervescence autour de cette venue.
In the meantime, our Prime Minister is drinking champagne in Hanoiand is expected to do the same tomorrow evening in HCMC.
Grande grande effervescence autour de cette venue.
lundi 9 novembre 2009
mardi 3 novembre 2009
lundi 2 novembre 2009
Motorbike balance
Lovely w-end in Ha Noi... But back to Saigon past 3AM to be back in the office at 9AM.
jeudi 29 octobre 2009
Street fruits
Cuối tuần này em sẽ đi Hà Nội...
Funny how women tend to do the heavy work here. While generally xe om drivers and shoe shiners are men, street fruit vendors and (manual) garbage collector are usually women.
Funny how women tend to do the heavy work here. While generally xe om drivers and shoe shiners are men, street fruit vendors and (manual) garbage collector are usually women.
mercredi 28 octobre 2009
mardi 27 octobre 2009
lundi 26 octobre 2009
mardi 20 octobre 2009
Coup de coeur

Thanks to my friend Pierre, I have discovered a website with fabulous, beautiful pictures from a lady called Vivian Maier. The kind of pictures that blows you away. Sweet, funny, sharp, amazing... Littéralement, un coup de coeur.
"The website was created in dedication to the photographer Vivian Maier, a street photographer from the 1950s - 1970s. Vivian's work was discovered at an auction here in Chicago where she lived for 50 years but was originally a native to France. Her discovered work includes over 40,000 mostly medium format negatives. Born February 1, 1926 and passed away on Tuesday, April 21, 2009."
John Maloof, who has acquired the pictures and has kindly set up the website to share them is a photographer as well:
lundi 19 octobre 2009
The city which name cannot be pronounced
Back to Vietnam: it's funny how Vietnamese are used to leave their front door open. Anywhere you go in Vietnam, the front door leading to the living room will usually be wide open. Even though I live in a building, my Vietnamese neighbors still do the same (and also still sing karaoke at the top of their lungs). But I do not mind it actually. I am surprised how much I have become much less sensitive to noise since I started living in Vietnam.
- or perhaps, I have already gone deaf...
jeudi 15 octobre 2009
Chunky God
One of the statues in the Danang Museum with the curvy, joyful and dancing gods. It was nice to see a religion where the gods seem to have a blast. Work seems to be calming down a bit, nice feeling.
samedi 10 octobre 2009
Eh beh, em o dau ?
Ouf, rassurée. Dans mes heures perdues, je pourrai lire Marc Levy en vietnamien (et découvrir où se cache la em).
jeudi 8 octobre 2009
lundi 5 octobre 2009
samedi 3 octobre 2009
Morning Dreaming
Instead of a two week holiday in the Philippines with my sister, a working week-end in Saigon.
Though instead of reading Vietnamese tax law, am reading an article with beautiful pictures of the the Gobi desert, "where the sky seems to swallow you"...
Though instead of reading Vietnamese tax law, am reading an article with beautiful pictures of the the Gobi desert, "where the sky seems to swallow you"...
jeudi 1 octobre 2009
mercredi 30 septembre 2009
A little yellow but a little bit blue
Tet Trung Thu.
It is the mid-automn moon festival here in Vietnam, with moon cakes being offered everywhere.
I hope the month of september is not supposed to announce the rest of the year. Bad news from Paris keep hitting me here in Saigon. Bad news from the Philippines too. Not so enthusiastic news here. And now a typhoon devastating everything on its way.
Troi oi. Sometimes, not so easy not to feel a bit blue.
vendredi 25 septembre 2009
Après la pluie
A Vietnamese restaurant for once very popular with both Vietnamese people and expats. However, I have heard that like many nice buildings in District 1, it will soon be knocked down to build new office buildings. In any case, a new QAN with a similar architecture is soon going to open at 160 Pasteur. The vinegar hot pot is exquisite.
mardi 22 septembre 2009
Shoes and cafe sua da
Vietnamese (chic) shoe shop.
Altars are nearly everywhere in Vietnam: houses, pubs and even the "billards" in front of the office have one...
lundi 21 septembre 2009
Saturday night was my first evening at the opera of Saigon. After a crazy taxi ride to get there right on time, we realized that we left the tickets at home. The charm and patience of S got us in though.
We had a very nice evening. We purchased the tickets without knowing what the program was as it was written in Vietnamese. It ended up being contemporary dance and the choreography seemed a little influenced by Philippe Découflé.
Dance and theatre. Beauty and laughter.
samedi 19 septembre 2009
And comes the ponytail back
Picked up S at the airport last night. The road to the airport was blocked because of construction work going on. Of course, the cars decided to ride on the big sidewalk instead. Suddenly, a huge noise. Flat tyre. We hit a big rock which was in the middle of the sidewalk. Therefore, I was slightly late at the airport, but late enough for the whole Filipino info connection to be set off ;) Always amazed how that really works well.
We have already reached an agreement for the w-end, S shall lead the shopping activities and I shall lead the food activities.
jeudi 17 septembre 2009
mardi 15 septembre 2009
Ceci n'est pas Magritte
My good friend from the Philippines is coming over this w-end to shop and eat. Though I do not care much about the first activity, I am hopeful we will focus on the second. Starting to prepare myself to eat for more than 48 hours.
Other than that, Stephen Fry noted that it is a cliche that most cliches are true, but then like most cliches, that cliche is untrue.
Meanwhile, rain continues flowing down the sky here in Saigon.
lundi 14 septembre 2009
Classical beauty
It's been raining cats and dogs lately.
One of the brothels right in front of my window office had some sort of blessing this afternoon. Lucky money was thrown out by the ladies and the pimps and fake money was burnt on the sidewalk.
From my somewhat conservative practice, straight from my window, there are two brothels stuck in between a luxurious cafe and a bakery. Under the cover name of "billiards", they are actually quite lucrative businesses which start work as soon as it is dusk. Around 6PM, despite the soundproof windows, I hear the ladies calling customers in. Seeing by the window guys pretending to hesitate and be forced to get in by their friends or colleagues is actually a daily sight here. Traditional (and universal) profession, I guess.
vendredi 11 septembre 2009
mercredi 9 septembre 2009
mardi 8 septembre 2009
lundi 7 septembre 2009
dimanche 6 septembre 2009
Poetic night ride
The Museum of Danang on Khmer art is a very nice one with joyful curvy gods smiling, dancing and laughing.
Meanwhile, yesterday night, a xe om (moto taxi) started reciting a poem of Verlaine while driving in the streets of Saigon after I had told him I was French.
samedi 5 septembre 2009
mardi 1 septembre 2009
lundi 31 août 2009
dimanche 30 août 2009
People in the temple were really welcoming nonetheless I always feel a bit uncomfortable taking pictures in religious places, specially when it is not my religion. It feels odd to suddenly snap pictures of what often represents so much more to the believers.
Little chinese temple between my home and my work. Beautiful, very peaceful and which calls for contemplation.
(And to top it all, nice food served on the walkside of the temple.)
vendredi 28 août 2009
jeudi 27 août 2009
A beautiful island with nearly no tourists. Beach, mountain, trekking, swimming... Great time with a great friend.
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"Steal me. Melt my gold centre. I enter through your dreams, where you're weak, and where I'm clean of inhibition. I'm kill...
Here are some pics of the "Place de la Sorbonne" which is the "Sorbonne square" in front of the Uni, but they have put t...