jeudi 30 août 2012

Sluzhebnyi Vkhod

Moscow, Russia, August 2012
Cantine soviétique avec un personnel très sympathique et un film russe projeté dans le réfectoire pour les déjeuners solitaires (et/ou silencieux).

vendredi 17 août 2012

Muskovite Room View

Moscow, Russia, August 2012
A change from my Saigonese room view.
As G says, Moscow: the city that truly never sleeps with its streets still very busy at 2AM. Clearly different from HCMC, but even Paris gets quiet past midnight.

jeudi 16 août 2012

lundi 13 août 2012


Moscow, Russia, August 2012
For the first time in Moscow. It is lovely walking in the gigantic streets of the city center, such a change from HCMC. Other than walking on proper sidewalks, permanent paintings are to be found on the walls of some buildings. Wandering in the city becomes a treasure hunt: spotting the next beautiful painting - that seems to have escaped from the museums for everyone to enjoy. Seems quite democratic actually. Despite the existence of a few tags, I have so far not seen any vandalism on the paintings themselves. I can't help thinking that such an exposure to art must both reflect and impact the aestethical sensititivity of the people. Intriguing culture, I am happy to be here.

lundi 6 août 2012

Sous le Parasol

Corrèze, France, August 2012
Apéritif familial en bordure des prés avec les garçons - soleil, rires et discussions. Lumière, couleurs éclatantes - ça sent délicieusement l'été corrézien.

jeudi 26 juillet 2012


26 july 2012, flight back to Paris
Back to France, without being really back in Paris. Catching up with family in the center of France. Lovely blue skies and late sunny evenings.

vendredi 13 juillet 2012

Les Berges du Mekong

Sadec, Vietnam, July 2012
Lovely dinner with lovely people at Quan An Ngon before Chi's holidays. A. just recently learned her real year of birth, learning that she is actually not the youngest at the office. Eclats de rire d'une fascinante jeune fille.

mercredi 11 juillet 2012

mardi 10 juillet 2012

lundi 9 juillet 2012


Sa Dec, Vietnam, July 2012
Cycling in Sa Dec with Blanche - good food, smily people, relaxed atmosphere and some colonial houses here and there.

jeudi 31 mai 2012

Family Time (bis)

Ilocos Sur, Philippines, April 2012
Back in the Philippines again for Mamie's bday. Spending time with family. Following the Corona impeachment, studying, catching up with Sarah and eating delicious lemon squares.

lundi 14 mai 2012

Window Reflection

Le Quy Don, HCMC, Vietnam, May 2012
Sunday evening at the Acoustic, listening to an old Vietnamese guy singing american and english rock songs in Vietnamese.

dimanche 13 mai 2012

Light & Shadows

Binh Thanh, Saigon, Vietnam, May 2012
Riverscapes IN FLUX- An international eco-cultural art project on the river landscapes in Southeast Asia, sponsored by the Goethe Institut.

mardi 8 mai 2012

vendredi 4 mai 2012


Ilocos Sur, Philippines, April 2012
Summer in the Philippines and bank holidays in Vietnam: back home with friends.

lundi 16 avril 2012


HCMC, Vietnam, April 2012
Joli ouikend gastronomique avec Anne-Lise. La boucle se reboucle.

dimanche 8 avril 2012

jeudi 5 avril 2012


Dong Du, District 1, Saigon, Vietnam, April 2012
When tropical storm Pakhar hit Saigon on Sunday, I was cycling in the Mekong around a sunny and lively Sa Dec. Came back on Monday to fallen trees and electrical wires dangling in the streets.

vendredi 23 mars 2012

jeudi 22 mars 2012

Reconnecting & Bird watching

Tram Chim nature reserve, Vietnam, 23 March 2012
A nos debuts en pointilles, notre seconde rencontre, un an et demi apres notre premiere rencontre fiscale et mon silence radio. Retrouvailles inattendues, discretes et un peu genees devant le mini bus au 75 Nguyen Cuu Van (outside Hem 75) a 18:50, vendredi soir, avec les jumelles que je venais d'acheter sur Le Loi dans mon Eastpack. Mini-bus de nuit l'un a cote de l'autre. Bateau et oiseaux. Petit dejeuner vietnamien aux nouilles. Karaoke endiable et cafards nocturnes. Nuit noire, etoiles scintillantes, discussions evaporees avec les doux et delicats Sophie et Stu, seuls sur le toit du batiment communiste. Discussions sur la terrasse et cigarettes. Retour en mini bus et arret sur la nouvelle autoroute devant le Manor et retour de l'Ipad oublie sous le siege du conducteur. 3 ans et 8 mois avant notre premier baiser amstellodamois.

lundi 19 mars 2012


Hoi An, Vietnam, March 2012
Back in Saigon - alternative art event in District 8 with a performance of Dao Anh Khanh on Saturday evening.

Ice Skating

Friesland, December 2022